Summer Courses


Let Your Life Speak — A Four Week Discernment Group

Listen to your life, hear the wisdom of others, and seek the Spirit together.

Rev. Dr. Angie Barker Jackson
VP Institutional Advancement 

Joshua and Genocide

Rev. Dr. James E. Brenneman
BST President
Professor of Biblical Studies

The Bible In Film

Dr. Eric Sias
Director of Latino/a Programs & Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies

Let Your Life Speak — A Discernment Group

Join a discernment community! The group will meet over a 4 week period on Mondays in June. It will be held on June 3, 10, 24 &  July 1 at 6:00-7:30pm Pacific Time over Zoom, and and will be led by Rev. Dr. Angie Barker Jackson, VP Institutional Advancement. All participants should purchase their own copy of Let Your Life Speak, by Parker J. Palmer. Group participation is FREE but registration is required to receive the Zoom link.

Listen to your life, hear the wisdom of others, and seek the Spirit together.

For further information or assistance with registration, contact the Director of Admissions, Lia Rochill at