Office of the Registrar



In 1969 the member schools of the Graduate Theological Union combined their vast resources to create a common library for the purpose of providing resources for teaching, learning, and research in the disciplines of religion and theology.

The Flora Lamson Hewlett Library is home to more than 450,000 volumes, 1200 perodical subscriptions, and 292,000 microforms and audio visual materials. It is considered one of the largest theological libraries in the United States. The library building includes a central reading room, study areas, computer lab, and a helpful library staff. Students and instructors may also access the library holdings through the online catalog called “GRACE” and additional databases (links above).

In addition to the resources of the Flora Lamson Hewlett Library, faculty and students of member schools of the Graduate Theological Union are granted complimentary borrowing privileges at the libraries of the University of California. The UC library collection includes extensive holdings in theological and philosophical literature. Faculty and staff also have access to the Green Library at Stanford University, located across the Bay from Berkeley.

Catalog and Handbooks

Below are links to the current BST Catalog, as well as student handbooks:

Curriculum Checklists

Request for BST Transcripts / Access to Student Forms

Please email to make an appointment:

Kat A. Croswell Registrar/Assistant to the VP of Academics 


Unofficial Transcripts:

To receive an unofficial transcript, email Kat Croswell at Current students, you may download a copy of your unofficial transcript using your Populi account.

Official Transcripts:

Official transcripts must be requested from the Office of the Registrar. Transcript requests must be made in writing. Email and phone requests cannot be honored. The fee is $10.00 for each transcript requested. Checks and money orders should be made out to BST. In order for the request to be processed, the form must be signed. Please allow seven (7) working days from date transcript request is received in Registrar’s office for the request to be processed.

For International shipping, the cost of the transcript must include processing and the Federal Express fees. Currently, international transcript requests require $45.00 pre-paid before the transcript is processed. Checks and money orders should be made out to BST.

  1. Either complete the Request for Transcript form by sending to the Registrar as an email attachment to,, (Send payment separately), or
  2. Mail the form and payment to:
    Office of Registrar
    Berkeley School of Theology
    2606 Dwight Way
    Berkeley, CA 94704


Current Student Services


Check your student email account regularly. This is the primary tool for faculty, staff, administration and student council to communicate with students.


Please note that your BST-assigned student email address is the address that will be used by BST to communicate with you. If you have questions about how to access this account, please email the registrar at for more information, or for technical issues contact Varsity, BST’s outsourced IT department at -or- (415) 354-6641.


Enrolled students will have the convenience of paying their student account balances (tuition, fees, insurance, housing and other charges) through Populi, our student information system. All bills are due and payable at the time of registration. Payment plans are available upon approval by the Chief Financial Officer. All financial obligations and/or agreements must be fulfilled prior to enrollment in the next term. Grades are issued, degrees conferred and transcripts issued only after all accounts are settled.

With the ability to pay your account balances, this means you will be able to pay your tuition bill or payment plan at any time of the day or night. Personal financial information is captured through an offsite, secure location and is not stored by the school. BST has contracted with Official Payments Corporation (OPC) to process Visa, MasterCard, Discover and American Express credit card payments as well as electronic check (e-check) payments. OPC is the leading provider of electronic payment options for higher education institutions.

To make your payment online, log in to your Populi account. Click the “My Profile” tab in the purple area, and then click the gray “Financial” tab underneath your name. Your balance due will appear on the right side, and click the “Make a Payment” button to be directed to the payment screen.

Payment of tuition and fees may be done through one of the following methods:

  • Online through Populi by E-Check or Credit Card
  • By mailing check or money order (made payable to “BST”) to
    BST c/o Business Office, 2606 Dwight Way, Berkeley, CA 94704
  • In person by check or money order at the Business Office (2nd floor of Hobart Hall). No credit cards will be accepted in person.

Refund Policy:

  1. Prior to the end of General Registration: Full Tuition
  2. During late registration:  Full Tuition
  3. 3rd week of classes:  80% of Tuition
  4. 4th and 5th week of classes: 50% of Tuition
  5. After the 5th week of classes:  No Refund
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