Faculty Publications

James E. Brenneman

On Jordan’s Stormy Banks: Lessons from the Book of Deuteronomy.PA and Ont.: Herald Press, 2004.

Canons in Conflict: Negotiating Texts in True and False Prophecy. NY/Oxford: Oxford University Press, 1997.

"The Freedom Loophole and the Baptist Takeover of the World," Review & Expositor, 120:3, PA: Sheridan Press, Aug 2023, 172-179.

"There's Just Something About that Name: Why It's Better to be 'Jesus-Centered' than 'Christ-Centered," Anabaptist World, February 23, 2022.

Abolitionist Mamas and a New Emancipation Proclamation,” Economic Enslavement issue of the Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal, 116:1, PA: Sheridan Press, Feb 2019.

Book Review, “The Violence of Scripture: Overcoming the Old Testament’s Troubling Legacy. by Eric A. Siebert. Minneapolis: Fortress Press. 2012, in The Mennonite Quarterly Review, Oct. 2015.

“True and False Prophecy,” Dictionary of the Old Testament Prophets: A Compendium of Contemporary Biblical Scholarship, eds Mark J. Boda and J. Gordon McConville, Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press, 2012.

“Turning the Tables: War, Peace and the Last Supper,” in Compassionate Eschatology: The Future as Friend, eds. Ted Grimsrud and Michael Hardin, OR: Cascade Books, 2011.

“Sequencing Allegiances: Idolatry and the One God,” Vision: A Journal for Church and Theology, 12:1, Spg 2011.

Forward to Revised Edition God’s Healing Strategy, Revised Edition. Ted Grimsrud. Telford, PA: Cascadia Publishing House, 2011.

“Living by the Word: Reflections on the Lectionary, Matt. 25:31-46 and Isaiah 64:1-9,” Christian Century, Nov. 18, 2008.

Introduction to the Pentateuch and Introduction to the Books of Genesis, Exodus, Leviticus, Numbers, Deuteronomy in The Catholic College Study Bible, MN: St. Mary’s Press, 2007.

“Missional Practice (Open Communion as Pedagogy & Invitation),” Evangelical, Ecumenical, and Anabaptist Missiologies in Conversation, James R. Krabill, Walter Sawatsky, Charles E. Van Engen, Maryknoll, NY: Orbis Books, 2006.

“Debating Ahab: Characterization in Biblical Theology,” Reading the Hebrew Bible for a New Millenium, Vol. 1, eds. Wonil Kim, Deborah Ellens, Michael Floyd, Marvin Sweeney. Harrisburg, PA: Trinity Press International, 2000.

“Day of Atonement,” “Hagar,” “Ishmael,” “Ishmaelites,” Eerdmans Bible Dictionary, ed. David Noel Freedman, Grand Rapids: Wm B. Eerdmans Publishing Company, 2000.

Forward to God’s Healing Strategy: An Introduction to the Bible’s Main Themes. Ted Grimsrud. Telford/Scottdale, PA: Pandora Press/Herald Press, 2000.

“Reading Joshua Backwards from Exile,” What Mennonites are Thinking in 2000. eds. Merle Good and Phyllis Pellman Good, PA: Good Books, 2000.

Book review of P.R. Davies, Scribes and Schools in Bulletin of the American Schools of Oriental Research. Fall issue, 1999.

“Prophets in Conflict,” Peace and Justice Shall Embrace: Power and Theopolitics in the Bible. Telford/Scottdale, PA: Pandora Press/Herald Press, 1999.

“Making Prophecy Come True: Human Responsibility for the End of the World,” Apocalypticism & Millennialism: Shaping a Believers’ Church Eschatology for the 21st Century. Telford/Scottdale, PA: Pandora Press/Herald Press, 2000.

LeAnn Snow Flesher

Why?. . .How Long? (co-edited anthology of SBL papers 2005-2007), eds. LeAnn Snow Flesher, Carol Dempsey, Mark Boda (London: Bloomsbury, 2014).

Daughter Zion (co-edited anthology of SBL papers 2008), eds. Mark Boda, Carol Dempsey, and LeAnn Snow Flesher (Atlanta: SBL, 2012).

“The New Poor,” Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal, issue editor, vol. 111, no. 2 (May, 2014).

“Prophetic Preaching,” Review & Expositor: A Consortium Baptist Theological Journal, issue editor, vol. 109, no. 3 (Summer, 2012).

Left Behind? The Facts Behind the Fiction, Valley Forge: Judson Press, 2006.

“First Words . . . Editorial Introduction: The War on Poverty 50 Years Later,” Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal, vol. 111, no. 2 (May, 2014), 91-94.

“Poverty in the US: Its Portrait, Our Response,” Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal, vol. 111, no. 2 (May, 2014), 121-133.

“Mercy Triumphs over Judgment: James as Social Gospel,” Review & Expositor: An International Baptist Journal, vol. 111, no. 2 (May, 2014), 180-186.

“Tricksters & Martyrs, Reading Daniel 9 as Lament within the Context of the Entire Book,” in Why? . . . How Long? Studies on Voice(s) of Lamentation Rooted in Biblical Hebrew Poetry, eds., LeAnn Snow Flesher, Carol J. Dempsey, and Mark J. Boda. T & T Clark Library of Biblical Studies (London: Bloomsbury, 2014), 132-156.

“Job as Dispossessed,” Hoseo Global Mission Theological Review, vol. 20 (December, 2013), 223-243.

“Daughter Zion: Codependent No More,” in Daughter Zion: Her Portrait, Her Response, eds. Mark J. Boda, Carol J. Dempsey, and LeAnn Snow Flesher. Society of Biblical Literature Ancient Israel and Its Literature, (Atlanta: SBL, 2012), 293-320.

“Daniel 9:24-27 and the Tribulation,” Review & Expositor, vol. 109, no. 4 (Fall, 2012), 583-591.

“Premillennial Dispensationalism: Its Origins,” Review and Expositor, vol. 106, no. 1 (Winter 2009), 21-34.

“The Historical Development of Premillennial Dispensationalism,” Review and Expositor, vol. 106, no. 1 (Winter 2009), 35-45.

“Reality, Grief, Hope: Three Urgent Prophetic Tasks” by Walter Brueggemann, RBL, (March, 2015).

“A Word About . . . The Cross and the Lynching Tree by James Cone,” Review & Expositor, vol. 109, no. 2 (Spring, 2012).

Angela Barker Jackson

“Pastoring During a Pandemic: Adaptive Leadership Formation in Times of Crisis” (co-authored with Jessica C. Williams, Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry, Volume 41, 2021.

“Courage to Change the Narrative: Money Stories We Were Told and Money Stories We Are Telling,” a workshop presented at the Gathering First Fruits conference for the Economic Challenges Facing Future Ministers initiative, Indianapolis, 2019.

A Guide to Ministry Self-Care: Negotiating Today’s Challenges with Resilience and Grace (co-authored with Richard P. Olsen, Ruth Lofgren Rosell, and Nathan S. Marsh), Rowman & Littlefield, 2018.

A. Brian Leander

7 Key Characteristics of Diversity-Oriented Churches, Leading Ideas, Lewis Center for Church Leadership, June 2017

The Qualities of Competent Intercultural Leadership, Leading Ideas, Lewis Center for Church Leadership, August 2017

Under the Microscope: Surviving the Scrutiny of Being a Black Male in Academe, International Leadership Association's 15th Annual Conference, October 30 – November 2, 2013, Montréal, Québec, Canada.

Bridging the Great Diversity Divide for Student Excellence on University Campuses, International Leadership Association Annual Conference, October 24-27, 2012, Denver, CO, United States

Innovation in Practice: Creative Leadership Models among Faith Communities, Tobias Leadership Conference, March 3-5, 2011, Indiana University

Innovation in Practice: Creative Leadership Models among Faith Communities, International Leadership Association Annual Conference, October 27-30, 2010, Boston, MA, United States

Rev. Valerie Miles-Tribble, PhD DMin

Article, Sojourners Online Magazine: “Are We Missing the Prophetic Connection?” (Advent Reflection series) (12-12-2014)

Wabash Center Book Review: Bonner, F; Marbley, A; & Truitt et al., Ed. “Black Faculty in the Academy: Narratives for Negotiating Identity and Achieving Success” https://www.wabashcenter.wabash.edu/resources/book_reviews/black-faculty-in-the-academy-narratives-for-negotiating-identity-and-achieving-career-success/ (7-15-2015)

Article, Sojourners Online Magazine: “Hell You Talmbout: Protest Music Meets the Church in the Streets” (8-21-2015)

Article, Sojourners Magazine (printed): “Can You Hear It? Hip-hop, Spoken Word, and the Voice of Prophetic Ethics” (February 2016)

Article, Sojourners Online Magazine: “Three Years Later, What the Movement Has Learned from Eric Garner” (7-17-2017)

AAR / Reading Religion Book Review: Hayes, Diana L. “No Crystal Stair: Womanist Spirituality” (2017)

Article: “Restorative Justice as a Public Theology Imperative,” Special Issue: Seeking the Welfare of the City. (Sage Publishing: Review & Expositor 114:3 (September 2017) doi:10.1177/00346373172104

Article: “Leading with High Notes of Compassion and Harmonic Chords of Justice,” Reflective Practice: Formation and Supervision in Ministry, 38:1 (Spring 2018, ISSN:2325-2847). http://journals.sfu.ca/rpfs/index.php/rpfs/

Article: “Mrs. Lot: Vilified or Victim? Sinner or Salt?” Issue: Biblical Matriarchs. (Sage Publishing: Review & Expositor 115:4, Fall 2018). doi:10.1177/0034637318792858

Article: “Public Theology: Dilemmas for Embodying the Evangel,” (American Baptist Quarterly: The Church’s Public Witness, 2017 peer-reviewed; publication for 2019 release)

Rev. Sangyil Sam Park, PhD

미디어시대의 새로운 설교학 (Seoul, Korea: Olive Tree Press, 2015). A Korean translation of David Randolph, Renewal of Preaching in the Twenty-first century. 2nd edition (Eugene, OR: Cascade Books, 2009)

스트모던 시대의 설교학 밑그림 (Preaching in the 21st Century) edited by Sangyil Park and Byung Joon Hwang (Seoul, Korea: Olive Tree Press, 2014).  

예수탄생으로 가는 여행 (Seoul, Korea: Korean Methodist Press: 2012) -- Korean translation of Adam Hamilton, The Journey: The Journey: Walking the Road to Bethlehem.       Abingdon Press, 2011.

Korean Preaching, Han, and Narrative (New York: Peter Lang Pub. Co, 2008)

“Review of Dietrich Bonhoeffer, Life Together,” Review and Expositor. Vol 118, No. 2, 2021.

“Marvin McMickle, Be My Witness: the Great Commission for Preachers,” Review and                Expositor. Vol.  114.  No. 4, 2017.

Eric Sias

Accessing Biblical Languages, GlossaHouse Publishing (forthcoming)

Accessing Biblical Languages: A Theological Companion, GlossaHouse Publishing (forthcoming)

“Martyr, Martyrdom: Hebrew Bible/Old Testament;” “Milgrom, Jacob;” and “Mixed Multitude,” in Encyclopedia of the Bible and its Reception, De Gruyter Publishing

Hanna Kang

The Prophetic Role of Asian Latinxs in Intercultural Theology: Mestizaje Beyond Borders. Under contract with Lexington Books

“Theology of Migration: From Division to Reconciliation.” Review and Expositor, July 2024

“Punisher, Healer, or Sufferer?” in World Christianity and Covid-19: Looking Back and Looking Forward (Cham, Switzerland: Palgrave McMillan, 2022), 61-76.

“Self-encountering Exercises in Theology Classroom,” Teaching Theology and Religion 24 (2021): 183-188.

“Mestizos/as with an Asian Face.” Perspectivas: Journal for the Hispanic Theological Initiatives 18 (July, 2021): 43-79.

“Being Othered, Embracing Others: Roots Migrants in “Multicultural” South Korea.” International Journal of Asian Christianity 4 (2021): 116-143.

“Cross-border Marriage and Religion in South Korea: A Study on Foreign Brides and their Membership in Local Protestant Churches.” Berkeley Journal of Religion and Theology 5, no. 2 (2019):27-52.

Immigration and Faith: Cultural, Biblical, and Theological Narratives. By Brett C. Hoover. New York: Paulist, 2021. Theological Studies 83, no. 4 (2022): 631-633.