Creating Leaders for Communities of Christian Faith, Hope, and Justice




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Prospective Students

At Berkeley School of Theology, it is our hope that your sense of calling is rooted deeply in who you are, your passions, skills, and your ties to the community.

Current Students

Berkeley School of Theology is committed to walk with you from orientation to graduation. At BST, we offer academic, personal, financial and spiritual support as you prepare for you life call.

Alumni & Friends

You are a treasured member of the Berkeley School of Theology family. Here you will find new ways to connect with your Seminary, other alums and supporters of BST.

White Christian Nationalism: How It Threatens Our Democracy and What We Can Do Together

Visit BST Week — September 23-27

January Intersession

Theological Aesthetics — January 6-10

Theological Aesthetics — January 6-10

January Intersession

Following the Light of Epiphany: A 4-week Discernment Group

Let Your Life Speak — A Discernment Group

Inscripción Al Programa De Entrenamiento De Liderazgo Cristiano

Inscripción Al Programa De Maestría en Estudios Teológicos

Arc Initiative

BST Bulletin

What Do You Think?

One of my earliest childhood memories is talking with my mother as we walked through a beautiful residential area; I must have been about five years old. I remember it being a bright, hot day typical of Georgetown, Guyana. She held my hand as we slowly walked through Queenstown, which has a collection of 19th-century, white, two-story British colonial homes. We were admiring the majestic architecture together when, after saying to me, “Brian, I’m considering buying one of these homes,” she asked me, “Son, what do you think about that idea?” The question was not an unusual one; in fact, in my earliest recollections of time spent with my mother, I recall her including me in her thought process and wanting to know my thoughts and opinions on a range of matters. But for some reason, this walk with my mother as she considered purchasing her first home left an indelible mark on me.

Latest Events

First Friday Lunch & Learn

Join Berkeley School of Theology by Zoom on the first Friday of the month at 12p Pacific Time to learn about a fun and interesting topic from a member of the BST community!

News and Announcements

BST Hosting Trauma Town Hall

We invite you to join us on February 22nd on BST’s campus or online to participate in the latest in our series of Trauma Town Halls. To register for both in-person and online attendance, click below. 

BST Bulletin

President Brenneman in India

From April 1-10, President Brenneman was privileged to preach twice and represent BST and the American Baptist Churches USA at the 125th Anniversary Celebration of the Tangkhul Baptist Churches Association, a gathering of over 20,000 people in Manipur, India. The northeast region of India is home to 1.5M Baptists and some 8500 churches, a source of many BST students, graduates and affiliate faculty over the years. President Brenneman was part of the unveiling of a new monument in honor of Rev. William Pettigrew, the earliest American Baptist missionary to visit Manipur and establish the first public school among the Tangkhul tribal groups, planting churches, and penning the first translation of several biblical books and hymns in the Tangkhul language. 

Latest Events

First Friday Lunch & Learn

Join Berkeley School of Theology by Zoom on the first Friday of the month at 12p Pacific Time to learn about a fun and interesting topic from a member of the BST community!

January Intersession

The New Thing: Theological & Historical Inquiry into Innovation

January interSession 2025

The New Thing: Theological & Historical Inquiry into Innovation

Dates: January 21-23 and 28-30 from 9am-12noon PDT on Zoom
Professor: Rev. Daniel Pryfogle

Theological Aesthetics

Dates: January 6-10 from 8:30am to 12:00pm PDT on Zoom
Professor: Rev. Sam Kim

Auditors welcome. Register Now! Questions? Email Lia Rochill,


Alumni In Action

Rev. Kathryn (Katie) Choy-Wong, MDiv 1980

Katie will be honored as the 2023 recipient of the Cora and John Sparrowk President’s Award at the 2023 American Baptist Churches Biennial Mission Summit. In addition, Katie serves on BST Board of Trustees and recently published a book called Building Lasting Bridges: An Updated Handbook for Intercultural Ministries. Katie is a retired pastor from New Life Christian Fellowship, an American Baptist church in Castro Valley, California.