Visit BST Week

Fall 2024 — September 23-27

MONDAY, 9/23

Christian Zionism (BSHR-2200)

12:40-3:30pm (Hybrid)

The heightened Israeli/Palestinian conflict has been in the news since Hamas attacked a Israeli quibbutz on October 7, 2023. This class will review the history of zionism from biblical times to the current moment with an emphasis on the global Christian response(s).

LeAnn Snow Flesher

Vice President of Academics & Dean of the Faculty, Professor of Biblical Interpretation

Paul Then and Now (BS-4805)

Eric Sias

Director of Latina/o Programs & Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies


Bible, Culture, Power & Justice (BSHR-4650)

12:40-3:30pm (Hybrid)

This advanced seminar will explore how culture, power, and justice affect the ways we read the Bible will draw on global readings of the Bible as well as intentionally contextual readings from the United States, including womanist, feminist, Asian-American, Latina, Black and other hermeneutical approaches. To deepen our understanding of how all interpretation is contextual, we will also consider readings from the dominant androcentric, North Atlantic strands of history of interpretation and engage ethnography of reading. We will consider and perform biblical interpretation as ethical activity.

Laura Jean Torgerson

Assistant Professor of New Testament

Gardner C. Taylor & His Homiletic Method (BS-4301)

Joseph Evans

J.Alfred Smith, Sr. Professor of Theology in the Public Square Director, Center for Truth, Racial Healing & Restorative Justice


Liderazgo (LIEQ-403)

Lilliana DaValle, 6:00-8:30pm (Online Only)

En este curso los estudiantes podrán adquirir herramientas para ejercer liderazgo pastoral en la iglesia y comunidad. El acercamiento al liderazgo utiliza como base la inteligencia emocional y el pensamiento sistémico. El curso consiste en un estudio de liderazgo contextual y un análisis de seis tipos de liderazgo efectivo.

Liderazgo (LIEQ-403)

6:00-8:30pm (Solo en línea)

En este curso los estudiantes podrán adquirir herramientas para ejercer liderazgo pastoral en la iglesia y comunidad. El acercamiento al liderazgo utiliza como base la inteligencia emocional y el pensamiento sistémico. El curso consiste en un estudio de liderazgo contextual y un análisis de seis tipos de liderazgo efectivo.

Lilliana DaValle

Affiliate Professor of Church Leadership

Old Testament Speaks Today (OT-1107)

Eric Sias

Director of Latina/o Programs & Assistant Professor of Biblical Studies


Restorative Justice in the Public Square (RSCE-4500)

6:10-9:00pm (Hybrid)

Restorative justice is an integral part of public theology embodied in the roles of ministry leaders to help our communities heal and thrive. Restorative justice, as a conceptual framework is rooted in ethical constructs of interactive accountability. How can the theoretical principles translate into re-envisioned praxis for public witness that extends beyond its criminal justice origins to include peace-building in public justice work? With guest speakers and interactive group work, students will probe issues and models to examine effective uses and potential for new paradigms.

Valerie Miles-Tribble

Professor, Ministerial Leadership & Practical Theology

El libro de Job (LIEQ-200)

El libro de Job (LIEQ-200)

Fabio Colorado

Affiliate Professor of Bible & Theology

FRIDAY, 9/27

Leading Diversity-Oriented Ministries (FTRS-3350)

10:30am-12:00pm (Hybrid)

As the values of diversity, equity, and inclusion further take hold in the Church in the United States, there will be a greater need for competent intercultural leaders. As with many other examples of effective leadership, leaders of diversity-oriented ministries must practice, preach, and live what they believe about diversity, equity, and inclusion of all kinds of people in keeping with the mission of Christ. The good news about intercultural leadership competencies is that they, through missiological praxis—reflection, self-awareness, shared learning experiences, application, and reflection–are accessible. Therefore, the Leading Diversity-Oriented Ministries Program aims to broaden and strengthen the intercultural competencies of church planters, pastoral leaders, ministry leaders, and higher education professionals. The program has the following objectives: (1) increase participants’ leadership capital; (2) equip them with knowledge, skills, tools, and experience; and (3) build capacity for their ministries to be diversity-oriented.

A. Brian Leander

Associate Professor and Director of Intercultural Leadership

Lessons from James Baldwin: Life, Love, Lies, Liberation (RS-3158)

For further information or assistance with registration, contact the Director of Admissions, Lia Rochill at